Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day

Thanks to all the Dads, here and gone for the many wonderful things you've done!

Something I whipped up that my Honey loves to eat, an Antipasto plate. We will be going to a pool party this afternoon to celebrate the day, so I'm afraid he'll have to share!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Summer Sweetness

And yes, they were as good as they look!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

Guess whose little hands are doing all that creating.

That's right, Mina!!

My little girl was published in the February issue of Parent Life Magazine.
Ah, the fame for a month! ;)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Why does it happen? Better question, how does it happen? How is it, that two people could love each other enough to stand before God and witnesses and vow to love and care for one another until death.......only to end up feeling nothing but hatred.

After sharing several mile stones, emotional as well as intimate moments together......Such as the birth of their children, deaths of friends and family, purchasing their first home, finishing school, starting a business or finally getting that promotion.

After sharing secrets, fears, crazy ideas, doubts.....after sharing a toothbrush, a glass of wine and a bed, it's over.

I am of the full understanding that things change. People change, situations change, things start moving in a different direction. Granted, not always in the best direction and the changes may not be the best at the moment, but does that mean it has to end. Is there no working it out?

Did he wake up one morning and decide his life with her was just that bad. That his sex life was so unsatisfying that he just had to have his needs fulfilled elsewhere. That she just didn't keep house the way he wanted and was a lousy cook. Or, did she wake up and suddenly feel that he was uncaring and insensitive, that he was selfish in bed, didn't handle money in a responsible manner or could careless if he was in her company or not?

They're at the end and now, he dislikes her so much, he promises to quit his job before giving her cent.......Even though it's for his two children. He stops paying the mortgage and is less than a week away of having the electric turned off. So, regardless of the children and their welfare, his hate for her is so great he is willing to allow these everyday necessities to laps because of anger directed at her. She is so beside herself with hate there have been threats made to take care of things with a ball bat and hopes voiced that her attorney will rip him a new place to have a BM! Ouch! Yet just a few years ago they gazed into each others eyes and promised......

Well, I don't have any of the answers to these questions and yes there are many reasons for divorce, still I don't know why it gets that far. However, if it does, she no longer has to love, like, respect or give a rats butt about him as a man or husband.........but, because she cared enough about him at one time to plan and start a family, she must care about him as a father, because their children do. Vise versa!

So, if you can't "I Do" for each other forever, remember to "Do" for the kids!

Side note: No, it's not me threatening with the ball bat.....but for the past couple of months I've been a big ear for two girlfriends who have been struggling with the big "D." Gosh, it's just all so horrible.

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